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Welcome to the Foxstone Blog

Posted: 2018-12-14 08:20:00 (CT)    [ 1294 views ]

About Gene


I've grown up with computers including hardware maintenance, administration, and software development.

Since my initial software development experience in Bell Labs, I've always taken great delight in taking a customer's thoughts and turning them into custom applications.

Well, I've resurected the Foxstone blog. Why, you might ask? It's certainly not that I have nothing better to do; but, because a client asked me about the merits of blogging to attract business and I couldn't answer with first hand experience.

I call it Shoemaker Syndrome

Having implemented blogging software, written and published newsletter software, Foxstone itself had neither. Like the fabled shoemaker whose family were the only ones in town with grubby, worn shoes, all we had was our website.

The time has come to have a more active blog on our site.

I often get generalized questions about spam, search engines, blogging, videos, and such. To date, those answers were limited to the client asking the question. Sharing those answers on the blog and upcoming newsletter should help make Foxstone and our clients a closer knit, more informed group.

I look forward to all of you joining me here from time to time.


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